Sunday, January 16, 2011

10 months & Brotherly Love

Eli turned ten months a few (ok, 9!) days back and as always, I'm amazed and taken by surprise how fast his first year is passing us by. He's suddenly not a baby anymore. He's not really a toddler or a wobbler yet either, but definitely not a baby. He started crawling about a month ago and is currently working on pulling up to standing.
His newest trick is waving and saying his version of "hi" which sounds a little more like "haaaaa!". It's pretty dang cute. When I'm pushing him around the grocery store in the cart he smiles, waves and yells out "haaaa" to everyone who passes by. I've even seen a few super grumpy-looking people stop and smile when he greets them.  He just radiates his own little rays of Eli sunshine that seem to make people, even perfect strangers, happy. I love it. I makes me wonder what he'll be when he grows up? We like to joke that he'll be a concierge or a doorman but joking aside, we know he'll do something great and hopefully continue to spread his cheerfulness.

10 month photos

 Ok, maybe not so "full of sunshine" here but this is his new "funny face". He gives you this super serious look and then smiles and laughs! He thinks he's pretty funny :)

                                                      Eli showing off his waving skills.

Xander has really been enjoying the fact that Eli is big enough to start rough housing a little. They roll around and "tackle" each other and play with toys together. The sound of their giggles melts my heart. So much fun to have a brother!

 Kind of looks like a take-down move, but it's just a hug.
Eli has had about enough in this picture but it's still pretty cute.

1 comment:

  1. They are so darn cute. we have pics of my Brothers in the take down hug.. It will become take down in a few years! soon you will be saying someone's going to get hurt!
