Thursday, February 10, 2011

11 months old

Big little mister. Big bubba. Chubba chubba choo choo. Chub scout. Little brother.  Booty.
We call this sweet, funny little boy many things but in just one short month we'll be able to call him a one year old. 11 months has absolutely flown by for us. I seriously feel like it was just a few months ago that I was dragging Xander out on long walks every afternoon in an attempt to get myself ready for labor. Now Eli is crawling around, pulling up on everything and starting to cruise along the furniture. Before we know it he'll be taking those first steps.
He has also started to really try and talk. As of now he says "hi" and "ball" and is trying to say sock, bear, hat, shoe, kitty, dog and just started saying making a "zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz...dddddddaaa" sound when he sees Xander. He also signed and said "all done" a few days ago, which amazed me. I thought he had said it the day before but until he repeated it the next day I wasn't sure I heard him correctly. I love this stage when they start talking. It's my absolute favorite time of babyhood turning into toddlerhood.

So, here's to 11 months looking forward to the big one year birthday!

Eli LOVES to wave and say "haaaa" to everyone we see! It's absolutely adorable and it makes me smile every time. It doesn't matter if we're in the line at the grocery store, at the mall, at the doctor's office, he's always smiling and greeting people. My little social butterfly :)

New favorite past time: using anything and everything, including his hand, as a phone

Demonstrating his new trick of blowing kisses

I had such a hard time getting Eli to sit still for pictures this month! Xander helped a little.

Doesn't Eli look like such a big kid sitting there next to Xander? I love his crazy hair wingers.

Love the look on his face in this one. I think he was mid yell.

teething like a mad-man

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